
You Need to Hear This

Daily Dose: Focus on yourself for a minute and let this pep talk help you through rent collection during a crisis.

Amidst the chaos going on outside your leasing office doors, you are there and you still need to do your job - no matter how difficult it may be.

If you are already having a difficult time collecting rent, a crisis like a pandemic or severe weather does not make it easier. This is why building a sense of community (READ: Building a Sense of Community in a No-Touch Digital World) and resident appreciation efforts are so important. When things go sideways, having those emotional connections with your residents is what will save you.

It's important to remember that during these tricky times it's so important to show that you are here for your residents in times of need. Even though you still need to collect rent, you can show sympathy and empathy to your residents when asking for rent payments.

Below you will find some of our favorite ideas to promote rent collections while also being sympathetic during a crisis:

  • Promote online payments through your resident portal to make paying rent as easy as possible. Online payments increase the degree to which tenants pay their rent on-time and in the full amount

  • Drive-thru rent payments is another way to make it easy for residents to pay their rent. Have treats or small gifts available to make it a positive experience such as donuts, coffee, etc.

  • Promote that you are just available for them. If someone is having issues paying their rent because of whatever situation, let them know you are available to talk it out and come up with a plan. You don't have to promise anything, but just showing you are available could open up an opportunity to assess the situation before it becomes a major problem.

  • Think about having rent incentives like gift cards for local takeout restaurants (all on-time payees or a drawing for all that pay on-time).

  • Offer future discounts or special offers such as “pay your rent on-time for the duration of your lease and receive $$$ off your first renewal month.”

Download what you need and then PLEASE SCROLL DOWN and read the message from my friend and colleague, Heather Blume. She really has a way with words. I always joke that she is, in fact, a wordsmith. I loved the message that she shared on her blog, and she was kind enough to let me share it with our Sprout Marketing Community.




Rent Payment Options Designs


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Sample letter to include with these designs:

There has been much confusion on the internet about rent payments due to the COVID-19 outbreak. At this time, we are proceeding with normal rent policies but are more than happy to work with those residents that are experiencing financial difficulties.

For those who provide proof of loss of employment/income and inability to pay:
We will waive the late fee and enter into a payment arrangement and not pursue legal action in order to keep you in your apartment home. We would ask that you pay as much as you can toward your rent until unemployment benefits, government assistance or re-employment enables you to get caught up.

Our goal is to ensure we act in the best interest for our residents and our employees during these difficult times. We will also share any new information as it becomes available.
If you have any questions or want to discuss this further, please reach out to our team via phone or email [insert contact info]. We’ll get through this together and we appreciate your understanding and support!

Drive-Thru Rent Designs

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Social Media Graphics

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Please Pay Rent Online DESIGNS

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Social Media Graphics

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Resident Rent Contest DESIGNS

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Social Media Graphics

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A LETTER FROM HEATHER BLUME — For whoever needs to hear this:

My heart breaks for site employees this week.

They’re the ones who get to talk to the single mom who lost her job and then her second job, which was just barely making ends meet.

They’re the ones who have to see the defeat and panic and fear on the faces of their residents this week.

They’re the ones who will be called Satan, called a terrible person, called heartless and greedy.

They’re the ones who will be screamed at, threatened with lawsuits, and voodoo spells (I’m just guessing here - I don’t actually know if people verbally threaten you when they do voodoo on you).

I saw a post earlier this week from a nurse talking about how overwhelmed she was and some of the comments she got were along the lines of, “Well you wanted to be a nurse. You signed up for this.” To that, I say, in a word, “Bullshit.” That nurse no more signed up for what she’s dealing with any more than did our on-site personnel.

NO ONE signed up for this. No one. But we are all here just the same. And you know what? There is a lot of emotional baggage in your leasing office this week. It's tough to keep your teammates positive when the world is so messed up right now. I want you to know that it’s okay if you cried in your car over lunch or on your breaks today. I want you to know that it’s normal to feel how you’re feeling right now, whether that’s frustrated, angry, heartbroken, or terrified of what’s to come.

I want you to know I see you-

I see you working through your feelings and trying to hold all of it together.

I see you trying to remain professional.

I see you doing your best in the worst of circumstances.

I SEE YOU. And you are doing awesome.

Don’t take to heart the guilt that you might feel bubbling up. Guilt is for when you’ve done something wrong, and expecting people to pay their rent is not doing something wrong. It’s doing your job.

Maybe your company is offering payment plans. Maybe they aren’t. But you are an essential employee, and I guess being one means that you’re going to have to face the tide of emotions that will roll in with each resident. Keep doing it with kindness, compassion, and empathy.

This situation is not your fault. Don’t let yourself own the guilt from it.

You are going to make it through this week and you’re going to do it by being professional, being kind, being compassionate, and, yes, probably crying in your car a little bit more over your lunch hour because you’re an empathetic person and this is going to wear on you a bit.

The point is you will get through this, and on the other end of this, whatever that may be, you will be a stronger person for it. That might sound trite, but it’s also true. You will know how to have compassion and maintain professionalism at the same time, and if you think that skill set isn’t in high demand then you’re wrong. Everyone needs it, and you’ll have it.

I’m so proud of you today. I’m proud of our front line employees who, even as they struggle, do their jobs. I’m in awe of your dedication and strength. I See You.