Share in our residents’ and team’s meaningful days: weddings, anniversaries, new jobs, promotions, baby showers, graduations and more with these designs.

ProTip: Add a personalized note to them!

PC1035-Generic Celebration Postcard Mock.jpg

celebrate your residents

Click to Download or Customize

celebrate your team

We often focus on resident retention, but what about employee retention? If you have a great team member, don’t lose them! Say thank you any day of the year with these designs. See the below list for the corresponding gift ideas and fun ways to say thank you.

  1. Gift: Muffins

    There is muffin like an amazing property manager!

  2. Gift: Animal Crackers

    This place would be a zoo without you!

  3. Gift: Succulent

    We’re a succa for you.

  4. Gift: Chill Pills (small candies like M&M’s or Skittles)

    Take 2 by mouth for instant happiness.

  5. Gift: Bagels for Breakfast

    Thanks for everything.

  6. Gift: Donut

    We Donut Know what we would do without you.

  7. Gift: Lunch

    Lunch is on us.

  8. Gift: Soda or Sonic Drink:

    You are SODA-lightful.

  9. Gift: Balloons

    Hope your day is poppin’.

  10. Gift: Bag of Chips

    You’re all that and a bag of chips.

  11. Gift: Bottle of Wine

    We're pretty sure we're the reason you drink. Enjoy this bottle on us.

  12. Gift: Bath Bomb / Face Mask / Spa

    Let this soak in....you're awesome!

  13. Gift: Popsicles

    You're the Coolest.

  14. Gift: Gummy Bears

    Our community would be un-bear-able without you.

  15. Gift: Cupcake

    Sweet people like you take the cake!

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