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Daily Dose: Using the LEAD Method for happy residents and a happy team!

Time Investment: ⏰-⏰⏰

Money Investment: FREE!-$$

As promised, we have a new client inspired Daily Dose this month! We’re so excited for our Sprouters to read and apply this at their community, just like Rick at Melrose Trail has. Here is a little background on Rick Herrera, our Sprout contributor for July:

Rick Herrera is the manager at Melrose Trail Apartments in Austin, Texas. He’s been in the industry for 17 years and during that time has worked as a marketing director and also as a regional manager. Rick’s favorite thing about our industry is being able to take a distressed property and work some magic on it to create a beautiful place where smiles are abundant! 😄

Thank you Rick for this simple yet incredibly productive idea!

Here’s the goal: Deterring negative energy and being proactive to prevent issues escalating to upper management.

Check it out below.


Search: SORRY to see more designs


  • Shadow box or frame of some sort

  • Treat bags

  • Variety of snacks

  • Giftcards

Check out our favs from Amazon Prime below:


Using the L.E.A.D method with residents and with your team:

L - Listen to residents when they have a question or concern, don’t just hear them. Is there an underlying issue that can be addressed immediately? If so, focus on that before moving forward.

E - Empathize with the resident or team member, let them know that you would feel the same way if you were dealing with their issue. Here are a few examples of some empathy statements:

  • You’re making total sense.

  • I totally agree with you.

  • I’m on your side here.

  • That sounds frustrating.

  • Tell me what you see as your choices here.

A - Apologize - simple but powerful. Rick shared with us that one time, to apologize to a resident, he took lunch to his workplace. We think this is a fantastic way to show your resident love and it also lets those around them know how much his community cares about them.

D - Do what it takes to find a solution. Because there is always a solution.

Here’s what to do with that information:

  • Download the PDF above and place it in a shadow box somewhere where it will be visible to your team - a break room, an office, etc.

  • Grab the social square above and post it whenever you owe your residents an apology - for example if the water was shut off for longer than you had warned them.

  • Always have little baggies with treats available and use the 1/4 page flyer to fold over the baggie to seal it. Hand these out to residents in person whenever you want to apologize for a slip up or negative incident.

  • Another way to apologize is by sending your resident an email with a gift card in it! Don’t forget to download the banner above to put at the top of your email.

  • If you’re following Rick’s example and taking your resident some lunch, pair it with the flyer above to make it even more personal.

We hope you and your team can implement this at your community so you can better serve everybody around you!

Rick Herrera Banner.jpg